The screen saver can be set directly in the AVAST32 program in enhanced user interface if a displaying of special tasks is enabled. The task list on the "Tasks" sheet contains the "Screen saver" item then.
You have to be logged in as Administrator to be able to perform the changes in setting.
By clicking on this item with left mouse button (or selecting the "Edit" command from popup menu) it is possible to make the appropriate settings.
You can get to screen saver properties if you click on "Display" icon in "Control panels". In displayed dialog switch to "Screen saver" sheet and click on "Settings" button.
Screen saver page
The window, where changes of screen saver are made, contains property sheet with sheets of controls:
The "Screen saver" sheet contains basic controls for screen saver setting.
This sheet contains combo box allows choosing screen saver, on which background the viruses will be scanned. The appropriate screen saver can be selected from a list, which will appear after clicking on arrow on the right part of the box. If no screen saver is chosen or selected one is not available, program will try to find other suitable screen saver.
The "Settings..." button allows to set parameters of screen saver selected via above described combo box. Its function depends on chosen screen saver.
By the "Defaults" button user can set all controls to its default values. "Screen saver" sheet is available at whatever setting of screen saver.
The "Virus scanning" check box allows virus scanning by AVAST32 program screen saver. If the check box is not checked, viruses will not be scanned. Virus scanning is enabled by default.
By checking "Repeat scanning" box you will cause that after scanning of all selected areas the scanning operation will be repeated. It is enabled by default.
Scroll bar in "Window movement speed" box allows to set how fast the window of AVAST32 program screen saver will be moving around the desktop. The default value is 5 seconds.
The "Areas" page determines areas where the screen saver will be scanning viruses. (See "Description of task pages" chapter for details).
The "Test" page serves for setting the parameters of virus testing. (See "Description of task pages" chapter for details).
The "Types" page allows to set types of files, which will be scanned. (See "Description of task pages" chapter for details).
On the "Common" page the common parameters of the task are set. (See "Description of task pages" chapter for details).
The "Exclusions" page allows the user to set disk areas which should be excluded from the testing. (See "Description of task pages" chapter for details).
On the "Net alert" page is possible to set, that in case of virus detection, message will be sent to other computers. (See "Description of task pages" chapter for details).
The "Priority" page determines priority of testing thread. (See "Description of task pages" chapter for details).